About the Role
Merit badge counselors provide the means for Scouts to explore many subjects that may not be available to them otherwise. The Scout who has earned a number of merit badges gains confidence, finds greater purpose in life, and becomes a better person from his experience.
Your task is to satisfy yourself that each Scout who comes to you meets all the requirements for the merit badge.
Merit Badge Counselors will be compensated.
First aid—caring for injured or ill persons until they can receive professional medical care—is an important skill for every Scout. With some knowledge of first aid, a Scout can provide immediate care and help to someone who is hurt or who becomes ill. First aid can help prevent infection and serious loss of blood. It could even save a limb or a life.
Individuals who wish to serve as merit badge counselors should submit the BSA Merit Badge Counselor Information form (No. 34405) and an adult leadership application (No. 28-501) to the local council service center. (Both forms can be downloaded at www.scouting.org/forms.) For further resources click here.
To qualify as a Merit Badge Counselor, you must:
Be at least 18 years old.
Be proficient in the merit badge subject by vocation, avocation, or special training. (see below)
Be able to work with Scout-age boys.
Be registered with the Boy Scouts of America
Complete and submit the BSA Merit Badge Counselor Information Form (No. 33405), indicating which Merit badges you wish to counsel.
Counselors must agree to follow the requirements of the merit badge, making no deletions or additions, ensuring that the advancement standards are fair and uniform for all Scouts; have a Scout and his buddy present at all instructional sessions; and renew their registration annually to continue as a merit badge counselor.
About the Company
MeritBadgeCourses.com provide scouts the opportunity to further their journey towards Eagle Scout by giving them easier access to Scouting BSA merit badges.