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Available Online

Citizenship in the Community

Learn about being a good citizen & learn about issues in the community

19.95 US dollars
Online Session

Service Description

DATES: Sept 8th or Sept 28th Class Length: 1 day for 2hrs **We will have more sessions in Oct to be posted on Sept 16th.** Requirement Information: Scouts will complete requirement 1 during the session. Scouts will complete requirements 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 after the session. Requirements for Before the class: • Requirement #1: Discuss with your counselor what citizenship in the community means and what it takes to be a good citizen in your community. Discuss the rights, duties, and obligations of citizenship, and explain how you can demonstrate good citizenship in your community, Scouting unit, place of worship, or school. o To complete this: Come prepared with answers to this requirement. We will discuss this during class. • Requirement #6: List some of the services (such as the library, recreation center, public transportation, and public safety) your community provides that are funded by taxpayers. Tell your counselor why these services are important to your community. o To complete this: Prepare a list of the services and be prepared to talk about them during the class • Requirement #7: Do the following: a) Identify three charitable organizations outside of Scouting that interest you and bring people in your community together to work for the good of your community. b) Pick ONE of the organizations you chose for requirement 7a. Using a variety of resources (including newspapers, fliers and other literature, the Internet, volunteers, and employees of the organization), find out more about this organization. o To complete this: Identify three charities and pick one and learn about it. Come prepared to talk about your charity during class. ***You will complete eight hours of service for this organization at a later time.*** IMPORTANT: Prior to registering, the Scout should have a discussion with their unit leader to obtain approval to participate. Blue Card: Upon completion of the course, Scouts have six months to complete and submit the remainder of the requirements to the online classroom after the session. Once all requirements are marked as complete, we will issue a digital blue card signed by our merit badge counselor.

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Cancellation Policy

To reschedule or cancel a scheduled merit badge, please make sure to do so at least 4 days in advance by using the app provided at this link:

Contact Details

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