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We are providing scouts the opportunity to further their journey towards becoming Eagle Scouts by giving them easier access to Scouting BSA merit badges.
All Merit Badge Counselors are registered with the Boy Scouts of America. is working in cooperation with the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council;
however, it is not being run by the Council.
Any scout in any council can attend these merit badge courses online. We follow youth protection requirements and two-deep leadership. We have trained YPT merit badge counselors.
Check out the full schedule of online merit badge classes at the bottom of the page.
Next Open Sessions: Dec 8th Citizenship in the Nation or Cooking
Virtual Merit Badge Classes 2025
Currently offered eagle required merit badges: Hiking, Communication, Citizenship in Society, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Family Life, Sustainability, Cooking, and Personal Management.
Online Classes
We use Zoom video conferencing software to complete our online merit badge classes. To complete these courses, you will need:
Computer / Mobile Device
Quiet Environment
Parents Nearby
We have registered merit badge counselors, but prior to registering, the Scout should have a discussion with their unit leader to:
1) obtain approval to participate
in the course
2) confirm that their unit leader will
approve the blue card upon
course completing
Online Merit Badges Schedule
Dec 11 - Dec 17